Course selection information for the 2025-2026 school year can be found below for each grade level. Before you start filling out the course selection sheet, you may want to watch the tutorial videos. The videos are a step-by-step guide to assist you in the course selection process.
All students will be placed in Advanced Science, Advanced Social Studies, and Advanced ELA. Parents are able to OPT OUT of Advanced Courses using this link: Advanced Courses OPT OUT
6th Grade
If you have any questions about a certain course, the 6th grade course guide (located here on the district website) explains each course in detail. If you need an extra copy of the 6th grade course selection sheet, click here.
For students entering the 6th grade, please watch the following video:
7th Grade
If you have questions about a certain course, the 7th grade course guide (located here on the district website) explains each course in detail. If you need an extra copy of the 7th grade course selection sheet, click here.
For students entering the 7th grade, please watch the following video:
8th Grade
If you have questions about a certain course, the 8th grade course guide (located here on the district website) explains each course in detail. If you need an extra copy of the 8th grade course selection sheet, click here.
Parents are invited to attend our Rising 8th Grade Parent Night on February 5th at 6pm in the Cafeteria.
For students entering the 8th grade, please watch the following video: