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Habit 3
Put First Things First
During the months of November and December, DMS students will learn about Habit 3: Put First Things First. “First things” are the interests and activities that people value the most in their life. People should manage their schedule according to their priorities to get all essential things done on time. Click on this Habit 3 Link for information on how you can learn more and practice Habit 3 at home!
Discussion Questions:
What are your big rocks?
How can you prioritizes those activities?
What little rocks can your let go of so that you can get all your big rock activities completed?
What big rocks have you been forgetting that you need to take care of starting today?
Discussion Questions:
Have you ever completed a chore or an assignment and realized you did it completely wrong?
How did it make you feel? What did you have to do to fix it?
Why is it important to think and plan out the things you need to get done?
Discuss something you need to get done today or this week. What is your plan?
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